Paiseando Comuna 13 ingles

Comuna 13

Commune 13 San Javier is one of the 16 communes of Medellín and is located to the west of the city, in total it has 21 neighborhoods that have suffered public order problems for much of history. 

Since 2005, the most neuralgic areas of the commune became a tourist attraction in the city for locals and visitors. The Las Independencias neighborhood underwent a great architectural and social transformation thanks to the intervention of social groups and the Medellín administration itself. 

Currently this neighborhood has outdoor electric scales which are used as public transportation in response to the particular mobility problem due to the mountain topography in that neighborhood of the city. 

Pedestrian paths were built around the stopovers, which over time became a tourist attraction as they were tampered with by local residents with graffiti. Currently, the “Grafitour” is one of the activities most carried out by people who visit Medellín from other places in Colombia and abroad. 

In this activity, you walk through the streets, alleys and steps observing the transformation of an area that two decades ago was the epicenter of violence. 

Comuna 13